Saturday, October 9, 2010

Sharing the Love: 3 Blog Awards

I want to say THANK YOU to Tiffany from Young Wife & Mom and Crystal from My Life as Mom & Wife!  The two of you put a smile on my face and warmth in my heart.  Just knowing that you like my blog enough to give me not one, but THREE blog awards, is an honor!

Rules for accepting:

1.  Thank and link back to the person who gave you the award

2.  Share 7 things about yourself
3.  Pass this on to 12 other great bloggers you recently discovered

4.  Contact the selected bloggers and tell them about their awards
7 Things That I Want you to Know About Me:
  1. My children are my life
  2. I'm a country girl, born and raised
  3. I love taking photographs of anything & everything
  4. I've been going to the Oregon Coast every summer since I was 5 years old
  5. Being frugal is my way of life
  6. Blogging has become my newest addiction :)
  7. I'm already done with my Christmas shopping

12 Blogs That You Should Visit, You Won't Be Disappointed:
(in no particular order)

  1. Mommying on the Fly
  2. 2 Boys + 1 Girl = One Crazy Mom 
  3. Ace & Friends
  4. CrAzY HoUsE
  5. Emma's Lunch
  6. From Chalkboards to Strollers
  7. I'm Not Your Everday Average Mom
  8. Moms Review 4 You
  9. Songberries
  10. Thanks, Mail Carrier
  11. The Mama Pirate
  12. Wyatt Family Farm

I hope you all enjoy the rest of your weekend!


Melanie said...

Thanks for the awards.. I'm very excited.. will work on posting them tomorrow.. But wanted to say Thanks real quick..

Lisa C. said...

Thank you soooo much... and I will be posting pretty soon.. Hope you and the fam have a great weekend.. xoxo

Unknown said...

Hi! Thanks for following me...I'm following you back!

Have a great night!

Liz said...

Thank you so much! You are so sweet! I'll start working on the post but it might take a couple days. Thanks again! : ) Hope you have a great end to the weekend!


Unknown said...

Congratulations on your awards!
Thanks for following!
I am your newest follower.
Quick Tattletails

Morning Glory Coffee Break said...

Love the pics of the kids. Adorable.
Thanks for following Enjoy country living.
Following back. Have a great week to come.

Xenia said...

Congratulations on your awards and thank you so much for passing some blog love my way, I really appreciate it!

And what the heck? You're DONE with your Christmas shopping already?? That's just craziness! :)

Anonymous said...

YAY thank you for the awards... I will do my tonight, when the kids hit the bed. I am so honored!

Tiffany @ Wyatt Family Farm