Friday, March 2, 2012

The Art of Marriage & $20 Applebee's Gift Card Giveaway

This month my wonderful husband and I will celebrate 13 years of marriage!  He often times works on the road and sacrifices so much for our family.   I honestly can't imagine what our life would be like without him.

Did you know that the divorce rate among military families has increased 42% since 2001?  That proves that military families are sacrificing so many things for our country that most people take for granted! 

Both my father and my grandfather both served in the military.  My grandparents were married for 60+ years and my parents have been married for 37 years. 

Why you will love the The Art of Marriage Ops Blog App:

  • Spread The Word! Did you or someone you love serve in the military?  Help us spread to word and share the app on your Facebook or Twitter!  Use hashtag #marriageops! The more people who realize this is an issue, brings us one step closer to helping more families!
  •  Donate! Text OPS to 80888 and donate $10.00 to help our men and women in the military strengthen their marriage by attending an event showcasing The Art of Marriage! Less than the price of two cups of coffee! 
  • Five Date Ideas! It’s not just military men and women who need help with their relationships. Here are five great inspirational date ideas that will help bring you closer to your partner! 


How do you stay connected with your partner?

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Mami2jcn said...

We have date nights at home where we watch a video together.

Frugal Mom from California said...

We have date nights out every few weeks

I am entering as Elena.

eclairre said...

We eat dinner together

Joy N. said...

We are so blessed to be able to go on dates nights, but more importantly know when to take a five minute walk to the mailbox just so we can have our own time

JC said...

We like outdoor activities together, like jogging and biking.

FreeIndeed said...

we do crossword puzzles together
- anna pry

Anonymous said...

We go out to dinner every couple of weeks

Jennifer Marie

lilnursejen at yahoo dot com

Carmen said...

It is very important to stay connected with each other and stay in constant communication and be open with each other, so we make sure we have time after the kids go to bed, to spend some time talking with each other about our days.

Michele said...

Once a week, we go out to breakfast just the 2 of us
rlawrence110 at yahoo dot com

akronugurl said...

We have date nights

Lacey said...

We make it a point to have a date night either every week or everyother depending on our schedule.

Ashley H said...

we like dancing classes together

Rebecca Shockley said...

Good Communication, Bible study, watching movies at home, take a bath together, making a special dinner for each other!

Kristen said...

We make sure to make time for each other and we LISTEN.

tristatecruisers said...

We get a babysitter and go somewhere for the day :)

marci h
tristatecruisers at yahoo dot com

June L said...

Jesus and His word are the glue to our marriage. We also spend a lot of time together playing games or watching movies.

Congrats on 13 years!

Mamawj's Moment Away said...

we still have a date night after 35yrs of marraige, and he makes me breakfast every sunday
sewitupjulie at gmail dot com

Peggy Damon said...

good quality alone time


wizardewu said...

We stay connected by spending time talking with each other.
eugeniewu at gmail dot com

Avon Beauty with Mary said...

We have dinner dates, share devotions, and regularly attend church services.

Anash said...

we connect by giving to each other daily! its about the moments! Thanks for a super giveaway!

Anash said...

I follow on google connect as "anash"
Thanks for this giveaway
anashct1 [at] yahoo [dot] com

MamaStace said...

We stay connected by taking sometime to our selves every now and again. whether it's a trip out to lunch or dinner, or just watching a fav show together on tv.


Howell said...

We attend theater events, movies and concerts together.
hlee99 at gmail dot com

Teh Doll said...

we stay close by having fun and making eachother smile. we have our nightly tv shows we watch together and cuddle in bed..


Teh Doll on form

1porkchop said...

We sleep in the same bed every night!!! We also communicate a lot.

Unknown said...

we constantly talk to each other on the phone or facebook

christinejessamine at hotmail dot com

Sarah MomE25 said...

We spend time together when ever we can whether its a date, running errands, or even cooking together. He works long hours, so when we can be together we are.

Unknown said...

We talk alot and laugh alot!

Alaine88 said...

go on dates and pray together
family74014 at gmail dot com

Shelly Peterson said...

date nights once a month. work on projects together

rj7777 said...

We have been married for 31 years! I think it is accepting them at their worst and great communication and respect for one another. Rita Spratlen

Tim Sternberg said...

We have date nights at home where we watch a video together.

Hannah Avery said...

My husband works close to home, so I see him a lot. We play games together, watch movies together, have devotions together as a family, among other things. We also love occassional dates.


Lori's Place said...

We take the time to talk to each other daily. loriagalbraith at gmail dot com

Anonymous said...

We talk and spend as much time together as possible ヅ *Thanks* for the giveaway!

Unknown said...

Nice giveaway. Thanks. Don't have a partner at the moment but when I did we stayed connected by having date nights, and by making sure that we spent at least a few minutes a day catching up with each other.
---Vicki Vix on r/copter form
fromfurrin at gmail dot com

Heather R said...

We talk and tell each other about our days each day. We also try to spend quality time alone as well as a family