Monday, February 3, 2014

February #LoveMe Challenge: Day 4!

Many people refer to February as the "month of love."  I always tell me children that you can never have too many friends, and the same goes for love - you can never have too many people that love you.


Last Valentine's Day (6th grade) my son received a note from his secret admirer.  He never did find out who it was.

Day 4 in the #LoveMe Challenge is to name a person who loves me.  Of course, the first to pop into my head are my husband and my children!  My husband loves me (and our children) every single day and shows it through his words and his actions.  I love our little family - to me it's perfect in every way!

What is the #LoveMe Challenge?

#LoveMe is a challenge to love yourself. Everyday there will be a prompt for you to look at yourself, embrace who you are, and hopefully help you learn that you are beautiful, you are amazing and you need to love who you are!


How do you participate in the #LoveMe Challenge?

Everyday there will be a prompt, you can share an instagram, a tweet, a blog or a video that was inspired by that prompt. Just make sure if when you share add the hashtag #LoveMe.

The #Love Challenge originated over at Pepper Scraps, to learn more and join us - be sure to check it out!  By joining the #LoveMe Challenge today, you can learn more about yourself by sharing with others.

You can never have too many people who love you!

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