Thursday, November 4, 2010

ZarBee's Children's Cough Syrup‏ Review


I was recently given the opportunity to try and review ZarBee's children's cough syrup.  I'm always cautious when giving my children medicine of any kind, even when it's prescribed by their doctor. 

A couple days before the cough syrup arrived, my daughter came down with a cough and sore throat.  Nothing I tried was providing her with any comfort or relief, I felt terrible for her.

I'll be honest, she was very reluctant to try it.  It was a dark brown color, not the pretty red or purple medicines that she's gotten in the past.   I had to taste it first, it has a strong honey and lemon taste.  Very sweet and distinctive.  Zarbee's comes in two flavors: lemon and cherry.  We received the lemon, but would love to try the cherry!

Zarbee's soothed my daughter's throat almost instantly!  As a matter of fact, she didn't cough the rest of the day.  What more could a mom ask for?

Created by Dr. Zak Zarbock, a pediatrician and father who everyday dealt with parents frustrated at not being able to find a safe and effective solution for their childrens' coughs.  Zarbee's is safe, all natural and effective.  It contains antioxidant-rich 100% pure dark honey and other immune-boosting ingredients, allowing your child soothing and safe relief. 

I can honestly pronounce every ingredient that they use, pure and simple.  As a mother, that is something that I can feel good about.  Ingredients:  honey, buckwheat wildflower, water, natural flavors, vitamin C, citric acid and zinc gluconate.

You can purchase Zarbee's at several stores across the country, including: Walgreen's, Winn Dixie and Albertson's.  You can also purchase it from online retailers, including:, and Overstock Drugstore.


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