Thursday, April 28, 2011

Give Mom the Best!: Shutterfly for Mother's Day

Mother's Day is about showing that special mom in your life just how special, loved and appreciated they are. Not just on Mother's Day but all year long.
Mother's Day is right around the corner and I'm sure we are all wondering what to get mom this year. Mom's work so hard day in and day out, all year long, from the moment they wake up until the moment they go to sleep. I think we can all agree that mom deserves only the best!

Custom Mug with Chocolate - $14.99

 Personalized gifts for mom are always a favorite, a gift that speaks from the heart and tugs on mom's emotions.  As a mom, I know that my most treasured gifts are ones that my children have made and ones that have photos of my children on them. 
Every year for Mother's Day my husband takes our two children to the local grocery store.  They each get to choose a heart cake, carnation and card.  Then they get to decorate the cake in any way they choose, in the bakery with all the fun toppings.  The look on their sweet little faces when they give my my gift is present enough!   

My kiddos and the cakes they made for Mother's Day!

Shutterfly has an amazing selection of gifts perfect for mom!  From beautiful Mother's Day cards to an all-time favorite Mother’s Day photobook!  A great thing about the photobook is that you can use photographs and even children's drawings and artwork for that extra-special, personal touch.  

Give mom a gift that she will cherish and treasure for a lifetime.  There are endless possibilities that are simple and easy ways to show mom just how much you care this Mother's Day.
At Shutterfly you can save on personalized gift for mom and make her day one that she will never forget!  They have some wonderful Mother's Day Specials going on right now!  Including savings of up to 50%!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for reminding me. No actually, I love Shutterfly! In fact, I gifted most of my family with Christmas goodies a la Shutterfly. I also received a great discount upon checking out.

    Thanks for sharing!

    Baby Talk without the Babble
