Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Almost FREE Grocery Shopping: Spent $1.81, Saved $30.18

We all know that grocery shopping is something that we can't avoid. Unfortunately, prices seem to be going up on just about everything that we have to purchase, groceries included. I love it when I can get a great deal with coupons and free item coupons make it even better.
One of the ways I make resources stretch further for my family is by using coupons. When I get get groceries for FREE, I love it! I can honestly say that FREE groceries are always the best kind.
I love walking into the grocery store with free item coupons. You never know what kind of reaction you are going to get from the cashier, sometimes they are envious and sometimes they are just downright rude! I've had cashiers ask me my secrets and I've had them accuse me of having fake coupons before. Personally, I think the rude cashiers are just jealous! :)

Here is my most recent FREE item coupon haul!

Gorton's Shrimp Scampi: $6.74
Batter Blaster: $4.12 x 2
Ore-Ida Sweet Potato Fries: $2.84
Kraft Cheese: $2.69
Purex with Zout: $5.69
Yoplait Greek Yogurt: $0.74
Cottage Cheese plus Fruit: $1.00
Cottage Cheese Singles: $2.24

Total: $30.18
Tax: $1.81
Grand Total: $31.99

Take away the free item coupon prices and I paid a grand total of $1.81 for all these grocery items! In the end, all I had to pay was the sales tax. I wish all of my grocery shopping was like this!

Have you gotten any great deals lately?

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