Sunday, June 12, 2011

Follow Us Monday Morning Blog Hop 6/13


Helicopter, Helicopter... Welcome to Follow Us Monday Morning - the Monday blog hop and Google friend follow here at Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free. This is the place where we casually meet and greet, have a little conversation and expand our blogging networks.

I am honored to have been chosen to represent the 'Us' in Follow Us Monday Morning!  My co-host,  JR from Frugality Is Free are looking forward to meeting new friends.  I know that we have so much to share and so much to learn from one another.

Each week we will feature a blog as Hot Blog of the Week, and we will post a question to get the conversation started. The Hot Blog of the Week will get the first place in the linky, and the featured blogger will win a free ad space at both Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free for a week.


The Hot Blog of The Week is:

A Helicopter Mom

A Helicopter Mom is a stay-at-home mom of three living in the South. At A Helicopter Mom you can find review, giveaways, and tidbits from parenthood.

I would like to invite all of you to stop by A Helicopter Mom and give her a follow. Make sure to check out her fabulous art giveaway while you are there.

Congratulations A Helicopter Mom!



  1. Favorite Summer Treat: Peach Ice cream, hands down. Homemade is best.

  2. I already follow you and I've now followed #2 and the Helicopter Mom. My favorite treat is ice cream sandwiches. I'd love to have you visit my farm blog and follow me back. Have a great week.

  3. My favorite summer treat is snow cones (or snoballs depending on what part of the country you're in) ;) But if they're not available, Popsicles definitely are a go-to! :)

    Thanks a bunch for hosting - have a great week! :)

    Today Is Your Birthday so We Will Rock You with Alcohol - MMMM

  4. We have been enjoying a frozen yogurt place nearby called Yogli Mogli!

  5. Hi, I am your new follower. Following you on google friends.

    I love coconut milkshake and chocolate Ice creams. :-)
    Please follow me back.


  6. Thank you so much for hosting and letting me be the Hot Blog! :)

    My favorite summer treat is a homemade virgin or otherwise pina colada, while sitting on the beach (so it doesn't happen often).

    Have a great afternoon!
    A Helicopter Mom
