Saturday, June 25, 2011

Frugal Living: Plant a Vegetable Garden

My kids love planting their very own garden!  It has been our tradition for years, to plant the garden on Memorial Day.  It's a frugal summer activity that the kids look forward to each year.  They love picking out seeds, helping get the garden ready and planting it.  

Planting the garden is always fun.  The kids take pride in their garden and do a great job planting the seeds and labeling each row.   

Not only do we grow our own veggies, we grow our own meat as well, cows and pigs!  We also have a friend who has chickens, we get most of our eggs from her!  The rottotiller that my husband uses used to be my grandpa's.  I remember him using it in his garden when I was a kid! 

 Planting a garden is so much more that just a garden. Not only is it fun for the kids but it's also a valuable learning experience. It teaches them responsibility: they have to water, weed and care for the garden in order for it to grow. It teaches them about home farming and it's benefits: fresh, organic vegetables that are delicious and healthy! It teaches them about community: they enjoy filling their wagon with their fresh picked vegetables and walking to the neighbors house to share their veggies of love! It teaches them about teamwork and family: look at what we can accomplish when we work together as a team. Plus, it's fun to spend that time together with them! 

The kids picked out all the seeds again this year and we planted:

  • Mini Pumpkins
  • Pumpkins
  • Onions
  • Tomatoes
  • Sweet Snap Peas
  • Kohlrabi
  • Spinach
  • Cabbage
  • Radish
  • Lettuce
  • Cucumbers
  • Carrots
  • Sunflowers

We are looking forward to eating fresh garden veggies in the very near future.

Do you plant a vegetable garden?


  1. Great Job. You are lucky to have such a big space to work with. We are planning on starting a vegie garden soon. I know the kids will love it. I also want to get some chickens. Can't wait to see the pics of it when the things have grown. Be sure to come by and say hi. Sarah

  2. What a great frugal family activity, and I am sure your kids will always remember it. I have fond memories of gardening with my mom as a child.
