Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Bridesmaids 'Girls Night In' Themed Party: #GirlsNightIn

I've only been in two weddings, my wedding and my sister's wedding.  Once I was the bride and the other a bridesmaid!  I've been married to the man of my dreams for 12 years now and I still love looking through our wedding photos.

I was recently offered the chance to host a Bridesmaids themed party to celebrate the September 20th release of the movie on DVD.  I'm thrilled and can hardly wait!  I've seen the previews on television but didn't get the chance to see the movie in theaters.  From what I've seen Bridesmaids looks hilarious and I'm really looking forward to an evening of fun, snacks and lots of laughs!

Of course, it wouldn't be complete without a variety of cake pops and party favors!

What is your favorite thing about weddings?

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