Sunday, September 11, 2011

Follow Us Monday Morning Blog Hop 9/12


The Hot Blog of The Week is:

Get In Shape and Save

This week's hot blog is Get In Shape and Save, which is written by Kim. Kim just started blogging back in May, so she is in need of followers. Get In Shape and Save is a result of Kim's love for finding great deals, but it also shows off her desire for saving while living a healthy life. 


  1. New follower from blog hop! Thanks for hosting. Would love a follow back to
    xo, laura

  2. Commenting to answer the question -- it was the day after I had my gall bladder removed, and I was stuck on the sofa, recovering, with nothing to do but watch the news coverage. I remember feeling helpless and afraid, and wishing there was something I could do to help. More than anything, it just felt so unbelievably unreal... like it was something so horrible that it couldn't possibly be happening. But anyway, tomorrow is a new day! I'm happy to be linking up again!

    Jenn @Misadventures in Motherhood

  3. I was at work and like you, I thought the person telling me that something was happening was playing a cruel sick joke. Then we realized it wasn't a joke and gathered in a main conference room to watch it unfold on the tiny TV. I remember having trouble calling my family out West because of the phone lines being all jammed up, but when I finally got through they were relieved because they weren't sure how close I was to the plane that went down in PA. It was a very surreal day for sure.

    Thanks a bunch for hosting - have a great week! :)

    Water, because Rain is a Good Thing when it's Georgia Rain: MMMM
