Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Black Friday Deal: FREE 8×10 Photo Canvas or $55 Off Larger Size (Frugal Holiday Gifts)

Canvas People is back with an updated Black Friday offer just in time for frugal holiday gift giving! Get one with your favorite photos of Halloween fun, fall colors, graduation, babies, and those special family moments!

Canvas People is offering a free 8 x 10 photo canvas (just pay shipping) OR $55 off any size as a special introductory deal! Remember 2 Canvas are always better than 1 and with $55 off + free shipping on larger sizes, you can get the size you want even cheaper!

These are really cool if you've never seen them.  I ordered 2, one for myself and one for my parents for Christmas!  There isn't a parent, grandparent, family member or friend out there that wouldn't LOVE one of these!  

The process is quick and easy:

1) Choose and upload the photo you would like printed
2) Choose what size. (FREE 8x10 + shipping/handling)
3) Chose any "extras" (framing, etc.)
4) Enter shipping information
5) Pay just $14.95 shipping/handling (a GREAT deal for one of these)

HURRY!  This great offer won't last long!

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