Sunday, November 13, 2011

Follow Us Monday Morning - Monday Blog Hop 11/14

Welcome to Follow Us Monday Morning - the Monday blog hop and Google friend follow here at Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free. This is the place where we casually meet and greet, have a little conversation and expand our blogging networks.


I am honored to have been chosen to represent the 'Us' in Follow Us Monday Morning!  My co-host,  JR from Frugality Is Free are looking forward to meeting new friends.  I know that we have so much to share and so much to learn from one another.

Each week we will feature a blog as Hot Blog of the Week, and we will post a question to get the conversation started. The Hot Blog of the Week will get the first place in the linky, and the featured blogger will win a free ad space at both Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free for a week.


The Hot Blog of The Week is:

This week's hot blog of the week is Skylar Magazine, which is written by Sarah. At Skylar Magazine you can find lots fashionable tips and inspiration.

Congratulations to Sarah at Skylar Magazine, you have won a free week's advertising spot at Frugality Is Free and Being Frugal and Making It Work.



  1. I am a new Follower of your Blog from Jamaica. Take care and have a good Monday and week.

  2. Kid crafts are the best, aren't they? :)

    I usually start decorating the beginning of October with fall goodies - hay bales, pumpkins, cute scarecrows and corn stalks. I plan ahead and string clear lights to accent the fall decor, then it can stick around when I switch out the fall stuff for Christmas decor over Thanksgiving weekend (the hay bales stay, but I cover them with white cloths to emulate snow for the lighted deer to hang out by) - my goal is usually to have all the indoor and outdoor Christmas decorations up by December 1st-ish. :)

    Thanks again for hosting - have a great week! :)

    All Your Life We Owned The Night…when? Tonight Tonight!
