Thursday, November 10, 2011

The Perfect Holiday Gift - Foldin' Money Review and Giveaway

What is one the one item that always makes the perfect gift?  Whether it's for Christmas, birthdays, anniversaries, graduation or weddings - there is one thing that everyone has on their wish list - MONEY!

Money is the perfect gift for people of all ages, from children to adults.  My kids love getting money as a gift, whether it's $1 or $100, they are equally as excited.  What if I told you that you could take the perfect gift and make it even more exciting to receive!

That's right, Foldin' Money takes giving cash to an entirely new and exciting level with fun and interesting money designs

There are 4 different Foldin' Money collections available:  Red, Green, Purple and Yellow.  Each one contains 4 different designs.  Some of the design shapes available include: Cake, Heart, House, Shirt, Star, Tie, Tree and Airplane.   The Jackpot Collection contains all 13 different designs!

I'm not sure if you're going to have more fun making them or if the person you give it too will have more fun spending it.  It's going to rely on a coin toss at this point!

The house would be perfect for a housewarming gift, the heart perfect for a wedding, the airplane or ship perfect for a honeymoon or vacation, the tree perfect for Christmas or stocking stuffer.   It's the perfect gift for the person who has everything! 

The possibilities are endless but the reaction will be the same - EXCITEMENT!

What makes Foldin' Money gifts better than gift cards and other types of gifts?


These designs have no expiration dates, no activation fees. They are always the right color, size, style.  Always needed, appreciated, 100% recyclable, and lightweight so there are no additional shipping costs involved.  Remember, nobody ever has enough Foldin’ Money!


About Foldin' Money:

Get the biggest bang for your buck! Foldin’ Money Design Gift Kits are a unique and recyclable way to give cash as a gift. You make it, they spend it! The kits include step-by-step instructions and templates.

Foldin’ Money kits make the perfect gift every time! All you have to add is your cash!!  Foldin' Money gifts are easy to make, fun to give and each design unfolds to spend!


  1. the airplane

  2. I like the Yellow collection, especially the cruise boat.

  3. the ship
    carriemak at aol dot com

  4. I like the Yellow Collection includes 1 Rocket, 1 Plane, 1 Cake and 1 Ship.

  5. Gosh, I like all their designs, but I guess my favorite is 'the heart.' Totally cute! I want to learn how to make these nifty designs. =)

  6. I think the yellow collection would be fun

  7. I like the heart in the red collection.

  8. I like the folding tree
    dealsfan32 at gmail dot com
