Monday, February 13, 2012

Check Your Choice- 8 Weekly Challenges - Win Prizes!

 I've said it numerous time, it's the small things that make the biggest difference!  You don't have to give up anything, it's all about moderation!

See what happens when you make a few small changes in your daily routines and see how these choices can make a big difference. Wholly Guacamole is going to give you one challenge per week for the next eight weeks.  Weekly prizes will be given! Also find recipes, tips, fun facts and games.

 Did you know that 10,000 steps is 5 miles?

This week's challenge:  Walk between 8,000 and 10,000 steps every day for a week and tell us what you did to ensure you were taking the ‘extra steps.’

How do I get in those 'extra steps' each week? 

I get my extra steps in each and every single time I go to the grocery store, mall or my children's school. I don't drive around and look for the closest parking spot - I go to the far end of the parking lot and park there. I don't have to worry about getting blocked in or getting my car scratched. But, it gives me those extra steps every time.

I take the stairs instead of the elevator! Several time a day, I will use the downstairs bathroom instead o the one upstairs - those extra steps/stairs really ad up!

  • Every week, they will present a new challenge.
  • It is simple enough to do in a week! Watch the Video!
  • Perform the challenge and tell them how you did in the comment box provided.
  • Theirr panel of judges will select the best answer or answers and award prizes every week.
  • Your answer must be submitted by Sunday, 11:59 PM CST.
  • For more information on the Check Your Choice Challenge, check the Official Rules.

 Be sure to check out the following links to learn more and stay informed:

 Twitter: @eatwholly
Wholly Guacamole on Facebook
Check Your Choice on Facebook
Check-N-Win Weekly Challenges
Wholly Guacamole Product Information on

Have fun, be creative and Check Your Choice.

**Information provided to me as a member of the Guac Blog Squad!  All opinions are my own, results may vary.

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