Sunday, February 19, 2012

Tilex “Cancel the Mold Show in Your Bathroom” Sweepstakes - Enter to Win a 40" Flat Screen TV!

Do you have mold or mildew in your home?  If you answered no, think again!  Did you know that 100% of homes have mold?  I'll admit that cleaning the bathroom is one of my least favorite household chores.  But, the thought of having a dirty bathroom makes me squirm!  I know that just because I can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't there!  

Tips for killing mold in your bathroom:

 Get Down and Dirty:  When I clean my tub and shower, I get inside the tub!  I make sure to get into every little corner, around the drain and into the jets in our tub!  

Cracks: Germs, mold and mildew can hide in the tiniest of cracks and crevices!  Be sure you do everything you possibly can to get into every nook, cranny and corner - especially in the tub and shower!    

Bleach: A bleach and water solution is the perfect way to begin the cleaning process if you've been over-come by mold and mildew.  I had to help my mom clean a rental and this was the only way we could get a handle on the problem! 

Open the Windows:  When the weather allows, open your bathroom windows and let some fresh air in!  If you can't open the window, open the curtain and let some light shine in! 

Toothbrush:  A toothbrush is the perfect tool for getting into those small spaces such as corners, the tub drain, grout and those tub jets!

 As hard as I try to make sure that every room in my home is clean, it's impossible to ensure that 100% of the surfaces are free of germs, dirt and/or mold.  All I can do is my best, by making sure that I clean, dust and disinfect on a regular basis!

How do you do to prevent the growth of mold?

 In honor of the new Tilex Mold Stain & Mildew Stain Remover, Refreshing Breeze, Tilex has launched the “Cancel the Mold Show in Your Bathroom” Sweepstakes!  By entering this exciting sweepstakes, you will have the chance to win some fantastic prizes!  Prizes include: one of three 40” flat screen TVs, or one of ten Netflix subscriptions.  Plus, if you share the news about the sweepstakes with your friends, you’ll receive an additional entry for each friend you invite.  How cool is that?!

About Tilex® Mold Stain & Mildew Stain Remover, Refreshing Breeze:

The cleaning power you expect, a new fresh scent you'll love. Tilex® Mold Stain & Mildew Stain Remover, Refreshing Breeze packs all the dirt-destroying power you demand, attacks mold stains and mildew stains and leaves a refreshing scent to keep your bathroom smelling as clean as it looks. 

**I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Tilex blogging program, for 8,000 My SocialMoms Rewards Points. 

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