Monday, September 3, 2012

My Nutrisystem Weight Loss Journey: Week 6

As we do every Labor Day weekend, we spent the weekend at my parents, enjoying all the fun festivities of BBQ Days!  I was surrounded by delicious fair foods, all of which I enjoy every year.  Every year... except this year!

I stayed true to myself and the promise I made when I started my Nutrisystem weight loss journey 6 weeks ago.  I took my food with my and stuck to the plan.  Cheating wouldn't benefit me in any way and I know it's just not worth it!

During my 6th week on the Nutrisystem program, I lost...

  1.4 pounds! 

That brings my total weight loss to 18.6 pounds!  

I was hoping for a 2 pound weight loss, but I'll take 1.4!  I just have to remain positive and remind myself that any amount of weight loss is a success and puts me that much closer to reaching my goal.

My goal for this week is to lose another 1.4 pounds (or more), to put me at a 20 pound weight loss!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem?

Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting

I was selected to participate in the Nutrisystem Blogger Program. I will be receiving free food and weight loss support in exchange for my participation in the #NSNation program and weekly updates of my progress on Nutrisystem.

Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. Individual results may vary.  No monetary compensation was received.

Do you have any goals you are working towards?


  1. I am so happy to see you doing so well! It's easy to want more of a loss each week, but slow and steady is best. Great job!

  2. 18.6 pounds! That is amazing!! You are doing so awesome!!

  3. Wow that is sooo awesome!

  4. You are so close, way to go Bridget!!

  5. AWESOME! Keep it up! You are such a wonderful form of motivation for myself!

  6. Look at you! You are doing great, 18 pounds already :D You're almost to your 2nd Nutribear! Keep it up and you will be at your goal weight in no time!
