Monday, September 17, 2012

My Nutrisystem Weight Loss Journey: Week 8

I can't believe how much progress I have made since beginning my weight loss journey with Nutrisystem two months ago.  When I started, I was all about losing weight and seeing that dreaded number on the scale drop each week.  

Here I am two months later and I realize it's about so much more that just losing weight... it's also about what I'm gaining in the process as well!

What I've lost:
  1. Weight - The pounds are coming off!
  2. Inches - My measurements are shrinking!
  3.  Daily Back Pain - No more chronic back pain!
  4. Excuses - No more, Oh I'll start tomorrow - or next week!

What I've gained:
  1. Energy - I'm working out 5 days a week.  My elliptical machine is now my friend!
  2. Motivation - I'm focused on getting healthier!
  3. Confidence - I'm proving to myself that I CAN do it!
  4. Self Control - I'm making the right choices, healthy choices!
During my 8th week on the Nutrisystem program, I lost...

  3.4 pounds! 

That brings my total weight loss to 25 pounds!  I'm thrilled to say that I'm half way to my weight loss goal!  In addition, I've also lost 21.25 inches!

Here are my weight loss stats to date...

Week 1: -6.6
Week 2: -2.0
Week 3: -3.2
Week 4: -2.8
Week 5: -2.6
Week 6: -1.4
Week 7: -3.0
Week 8: -3.4

 I'm holding myself accountable and it's paying off!
Want to lose weight and get healthy on Nutrisystem?  

Join today by calling 1-888-853-4689 or by visiting or

I was selected to participate in the Nutrisystem Blogger Program. I will be receiving free food and weight loss support in exchange for my participation in the #NSNation program and weekly updates of my progress on Nutrisystem.

Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and/or believe will be a good fit for my readers. The views and opinions expressed on this blog are purely my own. No monetary compensation was received.  Individual results will vary.  On Nutrisystem, you can expect to lose at least 1-2 lbs. per week.

What could you "gain" by losing?


  1. wow!!! 25 lbs is awesome!! congrats!!!

  2. That's awesome!! Congratulations! 25 pounds is a HUGE number!

  3. WOW! I have been following along and watching your progress each week and I have to say, I think that I want to try Nutrisystem! You have done so well!

  4. Wow! 25lbs is awesome! I love reading all these nutrisystem posts!

  5. Wow! Congrats on your milestone! 25 pounds is awesome!

  6. 25 lbs is AMAZING!!! CONGRATS!

  7. CONGRATULATIONS! 25lbs is amazing! Keep up the great work.

  8. CONGRATULATIONS! 25lbs is amazing! Keep up the great work.

  9. Congrats on doing so well! I'm glad to hear you have more energy. I need to work on getting consistent with my healthy eating and workouts so I can have more energy too. You're an inspiration!


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