Friday, November 30, 2012

Holiday Gift Guide Giveaway Winner Annoucements: Pigeon & Pals, Chicken Little, Robot Zot & STOMPEEZ!

Is it as hard for you to accept that tomorrow is December 1st as it is for me?  I honestly can't believe that we are down to the last month of the year, that Christmas is only 25 days away and that the New Year is staring us in the face!  As much as I love the holidays, I just don't know that I'm really ready!

Are you one of the lucky giveaway winners being announced tonight?

The winner of the Mo Willem's Pigeon & Pals DVD Set is Debbie.

 The winner of the Chicken Little DVD Set is Jan.

 The winner of the Robot Zot DVD Set is Joy.

 The winner of the Stompeez is Lacey.

CONGRATULATIONS to all of the lucky Holiday Gift Guide winners.  I have sent you an email. You will have 48 hours to respond to the email, or another winner will be drawn.

Thank you to all of the wonderful sponsors for making these great giveaways possible for my readers!

 If you didn’t win, don’t worry there are lots of other great giveaways to enter, right here at Being Frugal and Making it Work!

Are you ready for the holidays to be here?

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