Friday, December 21, 2012

My First Christmas Puppy!

Growing up, my siblings and I would ask for a new puppy every Christmas.  We always had a dog growing up, but like every child we always wanted a puppy in the house.  

For Christmas 2006, I finally got my Christmas wish, a puppy!  I got her the week before Christmas, my present from my wonderful hubby who almost always gets me what I ask for.  She was an English mastiff and he let me pick her out - what a hard choice.   I would have taken them all if my husband would have let me.  I finally made my choice and wanted to name her Zena as we had a Zeus at home.

While my husband let me pick her out, he didn't let me name her.  My husband is one of those guys that like to shock people and make people laugh.  He chose her name, Kitty!  That's right, Kitty the Dog!   It's a name that I would have chosen or even thought of.  I wanted a pretty name that was unique and different.

My husband wanted a name that would contradict her size and I'm positive that he got what he was aiming for. 

You should have seen the look on people's faces when they heard her name and how they would look at you when you called... "Kitty come!" and she came running around the house!  At 135 pounds, she was the biggest house Kitty you have ever seen!  It gave new meaning to the phrase... "Here Kitty, Kitty!" 

Miss Kitty was a gentle giant and loved everyone, especially kids.  She was unaware of her size and weight and thought she was a lap dog.  She loved to cuddle, especially on the couch!

Sadly, Kitty passed away in March of 2011 and we still miss her every single day.  Even though she was only a member of our family for 4 years, she still holds a big place in our hearts.  Our dogs aren't pets, they are members of the family and are spoiled almost as much as the kids are!

Have you ever gotten a puppy for Christmas?


  1. Miss kitty is beautiful! I just lover her eyes.

    I also think of my pets as family members and I enjoy spoiling them.

    This season I am thinking of my little Poodle friend of 17 years that passed away 3 1/2 years ago.

  2. Not for Christmas, but we got Charlie for my daughter's 4th birthday, almost two years ago.

  3. What a cute puppy and sweet story! I'm sorry she wasn't able to be a part of your family for longer.
