Monday, September 16, 2013

2013 Holiday Gift Guide

The 2013 Holiday Gift Guide is currently being put together right here at Being Frugal and Making it Work, and I plan on providing you with some fabulous holiday gift ideas, reviews and giveaways for everyone on your holiday gift list. This is the second annual holiday gift guide here at Being Frugal and Making it Work, and my goal is to make it even bigger and better than last years holiday gift guide!
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With two kids and several nieces and nephews on my holiday gift list, I shop year-round for holiday gifts (and enter blog giveaways), so that by the time Christmas (and birthdays) roll around, I already have a nice stock-pile of gifts to "shop" from.  Right before Christmas, I gather all the gifts and make the final decision on who gets what.  Then it's time to make a few "extra" gift purchases, mainly those that Santa will bring, since I can't shop for those before hand.

The holiday gift guide will include:

  • Gift ideas for children of all ages (babies, kids & teens)
  • Gift ideas for women
  • Gift ideas for men

Some of the items already in the Holiday Gift Guide line-up include:

  • Clothing
  • Shoes
  • Toys 
  • Games
  • Movies
  • Candles 
  • Books
  • Jewelry

Holiday Gift Guide Product Submissions:

Being Frugal and Making it Work is currently accepting product submissions for the 2013 Holiday Gift Guide, so if you have a family friendly product that fits into any of the above categories, please feel free to contact me.

The 2013 Holiday Gift Guide will kick-off October 1st and go through mid-December. 

What products would you like to see in the Being Frugal and Making it Work 2013 Holiday Gift Guide?


  1. It's hard to believe it's already that time of year again. Good luck with your gift guide!

  2. I am starting to work on mine too!! So exciting!

  3. I can't believe it's close enough to the holidays to start making gift lists!! Can't wait to see what yours includes this year.

  4. I love Gift Guides and can't wait to see yours! I'm definitely looking forward to some recommendations for guys since they are the hardest to shop for. LOL!

  5. So fun! I'm almost done with mine this year and it's so exciting!

  6. Can't wait to see your guide. I've opted not to do one this year.

  7. I love holiday gift guides! I am not a very creative shopper, so i love to look through gift guides for the hard-to-buy-for people on my list.
