Sunday, January 26, 2014

Soothe Your Sore Throat - Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops (Review)

Disclosure: I got this product as part of an advertorial.
Cold and flu season is upon as, and that means sniffles, runny noses and sore throats.  As a mother who likes to be prepared for any sickness that may arise, I always like to have a stock of cold and flu medications and supplies on hand.

Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops are AMAZING!  I know that medicine isn't suppose to taste good, but these taste great - almost like candy.  As a result, it makes taking them easier and more enjoyable, especially when it comes to my sick children.  Anything to make taking medicine a little easier when we are sick is always a bonus.

I also love how they are soft!  A little hard and a little chewy, for the perfect texture!  I honestly think it makes them smoother and more comforting.

Available in 4 flavors: natural honey, lemon-citrus, black licorice, and my personal favorite wild cherry.  They are also available in two convenient packages: bags and pucks.  The bags are perfect for home and the pucks are perfect for in the car, diaper bag, or even your purse.

Ulysses S. Grant was President, the population of America hovered at 39 million, and the telephone was still a pipe dream, when in 1870 J. Herman Pine hung out a confectionery shingle on 8th Street above Walnut in Philadelphia and, along with his brother, sold their first batch of what they called 'Pine Brothers Glycerine Tablets.' 

In an attempt to relieve his own sore throat and those of his family members, Mr. Pine, a former German confectionery maker, determined that by combining the soothing natural qualities of glycerin with the healing properties of gum acacia, he could sooth and mitigate the mild discomfort of a sore throat. Add in some natural flavoring and a sweetener and voila, Pine Brothers Softish Throat Drops were born.

I received one or more of the products mentioned above for free using Regardless, I only recommend products or services I use personally and believe will be good for my readers.

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