Friday, February 14, 2014

February #LoveMe Challenge: Day 14!


Happy Valentine's Day!  Day 14 in the #LoveMe Challenge is to share a fear that I have overcome at one point in my life.  When I think of things that I'm afraid of, the first things that come to mind are snakes, big spiders, and mice.  As a kid, I was never afraid of the dark and would play tag, kick the can, and hide and seek all the time with my siblings and friends - but as an adult, I'm afraid of what's lurking in the dark...

Overcoming a fear or facing one head on can be a challenge no matter how old you are.  There are some fears that simply can't be approached, while others are simply works in progress.

Growing up, I always wanted to be a mom.  As I grew older and realized what "having a baby" actually entailed, I was scared to death...

I married the man of my dreams, and two years later we had a handsome baby boy.  He was 13 days late, I was induced, and he was delivered via emergency c-section.  It was the scariest and most exciting day of my life.  Three years later, we had a beautiful daughter!


What is the #LoveMe Challenge?

The #LoveMe is a challenge to love yourself. Everyday there will be a prompt for you to look at yourself, embrace who you are, and hopefully help you learn that you are beautiful, you are amazing and you need to love who you are!

How do you participate in the #LoveMe Challenge?

Everyday during the month of February, there will be a different prompt.  You can share an instagram, a tweet, a blog or a video that was inspired by that prompt. Just make sure if when you share add the hashtag #LoveMe.

The #Love Challenge originated over at Pepper Scraps, to learn more and join us - be sure to check it out!  By joining the #LoveMe Challenge today, you can learn more about yourself by sharing with others.

Have you ever had to overcome a fear?


  1. I love this challenge. I'ts always great to remind ourselves to love ourselves.

  2. This is such a great challenge. I tend to be too hard on myself.

  3. I am still working on my fear of birds to be quite honest with you.

  4. You're right that we always have fears to overcome -- I have one that has lasted since childhood and I just CAN'T get passed it ... mice!!! GAH!

  5. What a great challenge. It's so hard to love us when we are so busy being mommy.
