Monday, October 27, 2014

Christmas Memories ~ Best Gift Received as a Child!

This is a sponsored post as part of the Walmart Holiday Toyland campaign through Sverve. All views and opinions expressed are my own.


Christmas has always been my favorite holiday.  There is something about the magic of Christmas that makes me happy inside and out.  As a child, my parents didn't have a lot of extra money, but we always received that special gift on Christmas morning that we were hoping for.  My parents and Santa always made sure that Christmas was memorable.

Now that I'm a parent, I make a special point to make Christmas special and memorable for my children as well.  My kids have never asked for much, but Santa always brings them that one gift they were wishing for.

My sister, brother, and I always got one "big" gift on Christmas morning and several smaller, less expensive presents from my parents.  Santa always brought us a new sled of some sort.  Some years they were plastic, other years they were runner sleds, but one year we got a long, wooden toboggan!

I can't even begin to tell you how much time we spent sledding on our toboggan that winter.  All three of us would line up on it, wrapping our legs around the person in front of us.  We would sled down the hill behind our house, and take turns pulling each other down the alley and through the yard. 

That yearly Christmas tradition provided a lifetime of fun and memories for my siblings, parents, and I.  I've continued the family tradition with my children, and every Christmas morning they find a new sled from Santa next to the tree.


I'm excited to be taking my kids to the Walmart Holiday Toyland event on November 8th.  My kids never ask for much, but I know that this fun event will probably give them some ideas on what to ask for this Christmas.  Check to see if there is a Walmart Holiday Toyland event near you! 

During the Holiday Toyland event, you will get the opportunity to test out the newest and hottest holiday toys, learn about the free Walmart Layaway program, and take a photo with your favorite toy.  If you take a photo, be sure to share it using #ChosenByKids!

What is the best gift you received as a child?


  1. We live in the Deseret, No Snow :( my kids could only wish!

  2. New sleds is always fun. =) I had so many favorites when I was a kid. I'm so excited for this Walmart event. Thanks for sharing your childhood story. =)

  3. That is a cool gift to receive, something you could really enjoy for sometime! Great memories :)

  4. Wow, that sounds fun! We live in Texas, so some years it's 80 degreens on Christmas morning! haha we are lucky to get one snow day a year!

  5. This brings back memories of when I lived in Northern Michigan. Now I live in TN and we wonder why stores even sell sleds.

  6. That sounds so cool. We didn't grow up with snow, so that sounds magical to me! Thanks for sharing!

  7. Sledding sounds like so much fun! We didn't have much of that in Texas.

  8. Living here in MI we get lots of snow and sledding is something we enjoy a lot. Great post!!

  9. Funny-I always wanted to sled and even asked we move to a snowy place one year-it's what I wanted. We grew up in Ca. so I never got a sled :-(

  10. Your post brought back some memories for me of sledding with my sister and brothers. My mom and dad used to go too. We'd spend hours sledding. I don't know how I did it now because I can't stand the cold for me than 15 or 20 minutes now lol

  11. My son got that SAME Rudolph from Build-A-Bear last year as well, dressed and everything. great post.

  12. What a fantastic post and such great memories. Thank you for sharing with us. I am ready for the holidays and snow BUT we live in Cincinnati so we don't always see a ton!

  13. We never had our own sled, but we did get to go a couple times. It was a lot of fun!

  14. I've never had a sled of my own. It's such a nice family tradition to follow for years to come!

  15. Those are the best kinds of gifts...the kind you can share and bond with together. What a great story and I love that you had so much fun with the toboggan

  16. It sounds like a really fun Christmas memory, thanks for sharing.

  17. What great memory.. Love the rudolph

  18. I loved sledding when I was a kid! Such a great memory!!
