Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Free Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend!

You may remember that part of my Black Friday savings was a 100% FREE diamond and sterling silver ring.   I had received a $50 Samuels Jewelers gift card in the mail for being one of there preferred customers.  Hubby had bought me a ring there for our 10th anniversary almost 2 years ago.

What could be better than one FREE diamond ring?  How about another FREE diamond ring! 

Last week, I received another $50 Samuels Jewelers  gift card in the mail for holiday shopping!  I was so excited and thrilled to have gotten (2) of these gift cards within a month.  How lucky am I??

I had no idea what to get, but it was so much fun looking through the catalog, online and in the store trying to make a final decision.  

In the end... I chose a cute little heart ring for my daughter.  She is going to be 7 years old next month and has been asking for a ring like mommy's for several months now.

Of course, I can't justify spending much money on a ring for her.  She's so young and the chances of it getting lost are rather high.  Even though she has proven herself to be very responsible with a mood ring my mom gave her over a year ago.

The ring is adorable, it looks so cute on her too!  It's a sterling silver heart and diamond accent ring.  

The original cost of the ring is $69.99 and it was on sale for $49.99.  I got it totally free.  I didn't even have to pay sales tax.

The look on my daughter's face when I gave her the ring was PRICELESS!  She's one happy little girl!


  1. What a fun Mommy you are...such a cute ring for such a cute little girl!

  2. Hello,

    I am your new follower of your blog and also liked your FB page. Please follow me back and like my FB page. Thank you so very much. I am looking to get more followers.

    Nicole Weaver
    Children's author

  3. First of all, WHAT A CUTE ring11 I'm sure your DD was over the moon thrilled. :) I love heart-shaped jewelry. My diamond in my wedding ring is shaped like a heart. :)
    Secondly - WOOHOO lucky duck! That's a fabulous freebie!

    Jenn from Jenn's RAQ

  4. Finding you from the Wednesday Window favorite blog hop! I personally love any gift cards, from stores, or from family and friends. it really allows me to get what I really want and it does feel free!

    I don't think I know anyone who has recieved one fore a free diamond and sterling silver rign though! Somebody is lucky! and it is adorable that you got one for your little daughter. She looks ecstatic!

    AubrieAnne @

  5. What little girl (or adult) wouldn't love a pretty diamond ring?! ADORABLE!
