Monday, August 13, 2012

Giveaway Winner Announcements: 5 Lucky Winners!

The Baby Shower gift guide and Giveaway Event was a huge success, and so much fun!  There are still great baby giveaways through August 25th, so be sure to check them out and keep entering! 
Now it's time to tell you who won the following baby shower event giveaways:

  • Sunny Stroll Stroller Toy Giveaway
  • Take-Along Infant Mobile Giveaway
  • Baby Food & Bottle Storage Organizers Giveaway
  • Diaper Cakewalk: Diaper Cake Giveaway
  • Zutano $75 Gift Card Giveaway

The lucky giveaway winners are:

CONGRATULATIONS to the following ladies...

Dawn, Sarah, Carolyn, Lisa & Kaydee!

I have sent you an email. You will have 48 hours to respond to the email, or another winner will be drawn.

Don't forget to enter the other giveaways in my right sidebar!  Check back and enter often, I'll be posting new and exciting giveaways on a regular basis!

 I would also like to thank all of the amazing sponsors for making my baby shower gift guide and giveaway event possible for my readers.

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