Friday, August 3, 2012

LOTS of Giveaway Winner Announcements... Are You a Winner?

I've been visiting at my parents house and have been without internet regular connection since Sunday morning.  I'll admit that having a break from internet and cell phones was rather pleasant, it's time to get caught back up... YIKES!  

Let the giveaway winner announcements begin! 

The lucky giveaway winners are:

CONGRATULATIONS to all the winners...

Beth, Jessica, Maria, Shannon & Brittany!

I have sent you an email. You will have 48 hours to respond to the email, or another winner will be drawn.

Don't forget to enter the other giveaways in my right sidebar!  Check back and enter often, I'll be posting new and exciting giveaways on a regular basis!

Enjoy the first weekend in August!

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