Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Weight Loss 101: Muscle vs Fat

I will admit that I haven't been too happy with my scale in recent weeks.  Even though my pants are getting loose, one pair I can easily pull down while they are zipped and buttoned, the scale is not moving. 

Why is it that we can lose sizes, yet the scale remains the same? The answer is simple... it's not that muscle weighs more than fat, it is because muscle is denser by volume than fat!  It's the same scenario as the common childhood joke, "Which weighs more, a ton of bricks or a ton of feathers?"  A ton is a ton no matter how you weigh it.

So, it is important for me to remember that I'm losing fat and gaining muscle and that I shouldn't always "weigh" my weight loss success by the number on the scale!

Looking at these comparison pictures really puts things into perspective!  Suddenly, I don't feel nearly as bad about the scale not moving, at least for now!

Have you seen the muscle vs fat analogy before?

Be sure to check out the Get Fit Guide right here on Being Frugal and Making it Work! 


  1. Excellent post! As a former science teacher, it drives me crazy when people say muscle weighs more than fat! ;) So, this is a great post explaining that and the visuals are really powerful too--especially the one with the fruit!
    Thanks for sharing! :)

  2. I have heard it but never seen it in a visual way. Cool and helpful!

  3. I knew that muscle weighs more than fat, but I'd never seen anything like the visual you posted. Wow!

  4. I've heard it before, but never saw it put like this. Great visual!

  5. I had not seen this analogy before, but it's definitely eye opening.

  6. Sure have. Remember that it is more difficult for a woman than a man to lose weight. My wife has been quite dicouraged lately with he fact that she hasn't lost much while training for a marathon. It will be her first at that distance. I feel one shouldn't get fixated on "the number". Your body is changing for the good and it may just be your internal organs are stronger making it easier to live a longer, healthier life!

  7. I have not seen this before (either picture), but it's a brilliant way to understand the difference! It really helps visualize things. Thank you for posting this...I pinned it for reference.

  8. I haven't seen the muscle vs. fat analogy before but it makes a lot of sense.

  9. I have not seen the muscle vs fat analogy before and seeing the picture of it really puts it prospective for me and motivates me to sign up for one of pilates classes at my gym. It would also be good to strenghten my back!

  10. That's a really cool visual. Hoping to move some of my fat to muscle this summer!
