Sunday, September 28, 2014

The Most Popular Reasons for Using Barcodes in Business

There are a number of distinct reasons why implementing a barcode system for your business would be the best move for increasing productivity and profits over time. Companies such as Shopify understand the need for a barcode scanner and printer combination that you can count on to institute and manage your barcode system. But why are barcode systems so good at making businesses more profitable and effective? Let's take a look at their most popular benefits. 

Ease of Use 

In any industry, having skilled staff means that the processes that your business runs on occur in a more efficient manner. Barcodes are surprisingly easy to use and that means that staff do not need to be trained extensively to use a brand new barcode system. Implementation of the system usually goes a lot quicker if the staff doesn't require learning to use the assorted hardware and software components. This translates into less downtime after the new system is implemented before it can be up and running efficiently. Systems that include barcode scanners are almost intuitive in the way they are used to manipulate data. 

Highly Scalable 

Businesses all aim to grow as much as possible. In order to ensure that the framework they started using as a small business is available to them as a medium sized enterprise, they usually adopt scalable infrastructure that grows alongside their company. Barcodes are one of the most scalable technologies available today because the only difference that needs to change when a company starts growing is to replace the current printer with one that can deal with higher volumes of printing. The widespread use of barcodes also means that if the company decides to diversify, they can incorporate their existing infrastructure and build around the barcode generation system they already have in place. The possibilities are endless. Company growth with barcodes is almost a foregone conclusion, since it allows the business to operate above its capacity by automating most of the processes that would have previously been done by humans. It is much less likely for an automated process to fail than a human. The result is, of course, a highly scalable and efficient system that almost runs itself. 

Accuracy of Data Input 

We are well aware of the human propensity for error propagation. By including a barcode system, a company deals with the unreliability of human data entry. Information is coded directly into the barcode to make it easier and more efficient to transfer data from one location to another without worrying about transcription errors. This allows for a much faster rate of processing for anything that has to do with the data. Turnaround times go down as well as problems that arise from erroneous data entry. The garbage-in-garbage-out situation almost never arises in a properly implemented barcode system. Data input has always been a problem for companies that rely on it for the transfer of information across multiple departments. By marginalizing it and removing the error causing element, it improves the production capacity of the company as a whole. 

Easy Inventory Management 

Cross-linked data can be included in a barcode in order to directly interact with the inventory software. This can be priceless in ensuring that the inventory database remains up to date with the most relevant data. Inventory management through point of sale systems allow for direct management of the data in the inventory as well as enables the manager to set up alerts in the case of stock dropping below a certain point. However, in the case of using data entry, there is always the possibility of data being mistyped or misfiled. This can lead to serious problems with the inventory, sometimes even resulting in inventory entries in multiple locations for the same item. Concise inventory management is easily achieved with a barcode system since each item's information is already hard-wired into the barcode and scanning it in is simple and fast. Manipulating an inventory by using barcodes makes for less work in the long run, since after a while the barcodes allow the inventory to basically manage itself. 

Barcode scanners and printers are one of the best ways to bring a business into the twenty first century. Incorporating scanners and printers as a part of a point of sale system makes for a formidable combination. A system that is accurate in reading data, updating records and creating receipts is something that we could only dream about fifty years ago. Now technology has made leaps and bounds in the field, creating barcodes that can store even more information that traditional ones (two dimensional barcodes). There is no limit on how far barcodes can go towards assisting a business become more profitable and meet its goals for the future. All it takes is vision, insight and an understanding of what you need and how incorporating a barcode system can assist the business as whole.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, these are all good reasons for using barcodes in business. They really do help keep inventory tracking easier.
