I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for the U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council. I received a stipend to facilitate my purchase for my review as well as a promotional item to thank me for my participation.
I'm a firm believer that making little changes can lead to big rewards! It can be something as simple as walking to the mailbox instead of driving, or drinking a glass of water instead of a soft drink.

One of my favorite fruits is blueberries! Whether I'm adding them into my daily food choices, or eating them by the handfuls - they make life sweeter! Whether you're baking, snacking, or drinking, adding blueberries is the perfect way to brighten and sweeten your meal in a healthy way!
You might be thinking to yourself... blueberries are only ripe in the summer. Well, that isn't the case at all! Thanks to our wonderful friends in South America, we can enjoy fresh, ripe blueberries year-round. If you're still worried that you might run out, blueberries freeze great, too!
Here are a few of my favorite ways to add blueberries into my daily diet and routine:
- Drop a handful into my ice water - it adds flavor and a dash of color to brighten your day
- Add a handful to my yogurt - it makes the perfect snack
- Perfect as a topping on my cold cereal or hot oatmeal in the morning before work
- Vanilla ice cream topped with blueberries - pure heaven
- Blueberry fruit smoothies - healthy and delicious - and perfect anytime of the day
- Add them to your Sunday morning pancakes
- Grab a handful and go - easy, simple snacking

Making little changes throughout the year can help you reach your healthy living goals. Trust me, I've been there and have been making little changes for several months now and it's working!
The best thing about blueberries is that everyone in my family LOVES them!
Little Changes Sweepstakes:
Enter to win an unforgettable trip for two to LA for the Little Changes Kitchen Challenge alongside actress, author and TV host Alison Sweeney! Runners up may win one of four $500 Whole Foods or lululemon gift cards for a refreshed pantry or workout wardrobe! Choose little, win BIG. Hurry! Sweepstakes closes February 16th.
How do you make #LittleChanges in your life?
1 comment:
First off, how far away is your mailbox where drivi8ng is an option!!!!!
One big change that you can make that makes a big difference is not sitting down. My computer is at a standing height. Standing at the computer helps prevent slouching.
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