One thing that I have done right is being true to myself no matter what others may think. "Courage is not living without fear. Courage is being scared to death and doing the right thing anyway." - Unknown

What is the #LoveMe Challenge?
The #LoveMe is a challenge to love yourself. Everyday there will be a prompt for you to look at yourself, embrace who you are, and hopefully help you learn that you are beautiful, you are amazing and you need to love who you are!
How do you participate in the #LoveMe Challenge?
Everyday during the month of February, there will be a different prompt. You can share an instagram, a tweet, a blog or a video that was inspired by that prompt. Just make sure if when you share add the hashtag #LoveMe.
The #LoveMe Challenge originated over at Pepper Scraps, to learn more and join us - be sure to check it out! By joining the #LoveMe Challenge today, you can learn more about yourself by sharing with others.
What is one thing that you have done right?
I love that quote!
Love your answer. Mine was raising loving children.
I love this challenge. Most of the time we don't give ourselves enough credit for all the good we do and instead focus on the negative. I know I've done right in raising my son to be a respectful young man.
It's nice to hear such confidence! Hmm, I think one thing I've done right is marrying the man I did :)
Being true to yourself is so important &is definitely not always easy!
Well I feel like a total failure because I couldn't keep up with this challenge. :/ Maybe I'll have a few minutes to spare tomorrow and just do days 4 thru 17 up in one post. Sigh. I love your quote!
I love that quote. Reminds me of the talk we heard at church today about being faithful to death. Sometimes we don't actually die for what we believe in but when we make the determination against seemingly insurmountable odds that we are willing to die for our faith then it's as if we've been to the brink and been "resurrected".
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