My life revolves around my children, and I have always wanted to give them the best of everything. I want them to live in a loving, giving, connected family, have a great education, a childhood full of memories, and know that they are loved and special. I want them to have real friendships, and all the things they want. However, I also want them to know the importance of working hard for what you have and being caring, responsible people.

What is the #LoveMe Challenge?
The #LoveMe is a challenge to love yourself. Everyday there will be a prompt for you to look at yourself, embrace who you are, and hopefully help you learn that you are beautiful, you are amazing and you need to love who you are!
How do you participate in the #LoveMe Challenge?
Everyday during the month of February, there will be a different prompt. You can share an instagram, a tweet, a blog or a video that was inspired by that prompt. Just make sure if when you share add the hashtag #LoveMe.
The #LoveMe Challenge originated over at Pepper Scraps, to learn more and join us - be sure to check it out! By joining the #LoveMe Challenge today, you can learn more about yourself by sharing with others.
What is something that you feel strongly about?
This is one of the neatest challenges I've seen circulating! The positive message is fabulous!
We do the same thing... although I didn't have much growing up, and it makes me want to give my son everything I can, I realize he has to work for it or earn it. It doesn't have to necessarily be monetarily, but he has to be good and make good grades. Do kind things,etc.
This is a challenge that I need to be apart of.. I've been struggling with this lately.
This is such a great challenge. I'll try to do it next year.
Great question! I feel strongly about so much, but one of the few that stand out to me (and I feel comfortable sharing here) is equal rights for everyone!
I love following along with you and the others involved in this challenge!
Definitely something to feel strong about.
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