Monday, November 3, 2014

How to Fight Job Stress

No matter if you are just in a search of working place, looking though or you are already successfully employed and spend the most of your time working, the awareness of the job stress and the troubles it could bring you is essential for coping with it and balancing your life.  
It is obvious that every analysis should start from the very notion of the problem, thus, what is job stress? In simple words, it is a reaction of your body to the match between the demands of your job and the resources and needs you have as an employee. The stress shows both in physical and emotional state, and the common signs are irritation and poor concentration, heartaches, fast heartbeat, headaches, and numerous other symptoms.  

In today’s world it is hard to avoid stress, as there are so many pressure situations that our body responds to, and the response can be either positive or negative. The positive one motivates people for the better performance and help accomplishing hard tasks, while the negative one provokes physical and emotional troubles.  
The top stress inducers are work overload, lack of recognition, insufficient salary and negative work environment. Look at your life and your habits, your mood and social interactions. Do you have digestive problems, eating disorders, muscle tension, irritability or depression, forgetfulness and poor concentration? These are common signs of stress, and if you have at least some of them for a long time, look closely at your life and try changing something, until some more serious health issues appear.  

Stick to healthy diet 

Try to avoid too much caffeine and cut out all the junk foods and sugar. If you are smoking, quit as soon as you can. These changes may be tough at the beginning, but soon your body will thank you.  


No one says you should head to Olympic Games – a little cardio would change the situation for better. Swimming or jogging, yoga and whatever you like better would be great.  

Slow down 

Don’t try to do everything at once – delegate your tasks to others if you can do so, and don’t judge yourself if something goes wrong. We are our worst critics, so get out of your own head and take it easy. Share work problems with colleagues – this will not only help your communication and reduce your level of stress. But avoid gossips and negative thinking.  

And the main thing – always stay positive, no matter what comes.  

Source: JobTonic

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