Welcome to Follow Us Monday Morning - the Monday blog hop and Google friend follow here at Being Frugal and Making it Work and Frugality Is Free. This is the place where we casually meet and greet, have a little conversation and expand our blogging networks.

I am honored to have been chosen to represent the 'Us' in Follow Us Monday Morning!
I'm looking forward to being the co-host with JR from Frugality Is Free. I'm also looking forward to meeting new friends. I know that we have so much to share and so much to learn from one another.
Each week we will feature a blog as Hot Blog of the Week, and we will post a question to get the conversation started. The Hot Blog of the Week will get the first place in the linky, and the featured blogger will win a free ad space here at Frugality Is Free for a week.
The Hot Blog of The Week is:
Mrs. No-No Knows. is written by Carla from California, also known as Mrs. No-No!. Mrs. No-No loves to cook, do crafts and most of all do fun things with her gorgeous curly-hair daughter Miss No-No. At Mrs. No-No Knows, you can find a little bit of everything, as Carla shares her cooking, her crafts and adventures from her family life.
If you would like to know more about Carla aka Mrs. No-No, you should check out Mrs. No-No Knows.
Follow Us Morning Feature BONUS!!! As a new bonus, the Follow Us Morning Featured blogger will win a FREE ad space for a week at Frugality Is Free.
Tip: The best way to gain more followers during a blog hop is by following others first, and leaving a link back so that they can easily find you. So don't forget to let someone know, if you are following their blog. One way to do this is by commenting and leaving your clickable blog signature (see below).
Answer the Follow Us Monday Morning question (in the comment area or in a post) and post the button in your post. This is not mandatory, but it sure is appreciated, as it will help spread the word.
Question of the Week
Question of the Week: Where will you be celebrating Thanksgiving? Will you have lots of guests?
My answer: We celebrate Thanksgiving at my parents house EVERY year. Each year the number of guests varies. We have had as many as 50 and as few as 8. This year, there will be 16 of us there to spend Thanksgiving together.
My answer: We celebrate Thanksgiving at my parents house EVERY year. Each year the number of guests varies. We have had as many as 50 and as few as 8. This year, there will be 16 of us there to spend Thanksgiving together.
Do you want to be Hot Blog of The Week?
•Blog about Follow Us Monday Morning (leave direct link)
•Post the Follow Us Monday Morning button in your sidebar (leave link)
•Tweet about the Follow Us Monday Morning Blog Hop (leave link)
*If you do any of the above, please leave a link and let us know in the comment field, otherwise your entry might not be counted
I will be spending Thanksgiving at home cooking for my family-my husband, our two boys and my mom. I am also having a friend and her little one over. Neither of us have any other family in town and her husband is deployed. It will be a warm cozy day of cooking, eating, playing and football. My husband will leave some time in the evening and head out to do his Black Friday shopping and arrive home some time Friday afternoon with a car full of gifts! Crazy, but he does it all in one night/day and he's done!
Thank you for hosting this hop!
I do have your link on my Blog Hops page. :-)
Where will you be celebrating Thanksgiving? Will you have lots of guests? We have Thanksgiving at our house every year...fairly small. We both come from small families. 7 adults including us, and 6 kids.
Have a Happy Monday!
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